Allan Woon & Kate Michelson





Our Experience & Best Practices

CCP has partnered with companies in Asia to introduce and implement a coaching program in the organization. As part of our on-going client relationships we are able to support organizations as they consider introducing coaching into the organization.

Here are some questions that are important for you to consider:

Do you introduce coaching for only top talent, or focus the coaching support on those with the largest development gaps?

How do you approach a newly appointed leader to suggest that coaching might help, without this being construed as a lack of faith in his or her abilities?

How do you ensure that the executive gets the right coach for their needs?

How do you measure the effectiveness and progress of the coaching program?


Factors Critical to the Success of a Coaching Intervention

Based on our experience with organizations in Asia., CCP believe strongly that the following are factors critical to the success of any coaching intervention;

  • The sponsor and executive are committed to the coaching process
  • The executive is well informed about the mutual obligations both they and the coach have to maximize the company’s investment in coaching
  • The executive is able to choose a coach who closely matches their requirements, in terms of experience, coaching style, personal chemistry etc.
  • A clear contract is formed with the sponsor over required deliverables, and the design of an appropriate measurement and monitoring regime, incorporating business, individual and coaching indicators
  • A high level of trust is built up between the coach and the coachee, based on strict adherence to confidentiality requirements, shared values and mutual respect
  • An appropriate balance is struck between the integrity and confidentiality of the coaching conversation, and ensuring that the coaching goals are aligned to the business needs and the coaching conversation is grounded in organizational reality
  • The whole person is coached – while focusing on the delivery of business results. The unique advantage of coaching is that we can go deep into the personal motivations, personality profile, and specific style of each individual. This requires masterful coaching – the ability to listen contextually, pursue deep questioning and having the courage to tell the truth
  • The coach acts with high integrity, respect for confidentiality and a commitment, first and foremost, to the needs of the person being coached


Implementing the Coaching Intervention


Once the individuals eligible for coaching are committed, you can outsource the rest of the process to us. You will not have to manage a panel of coaches, each with different standards, approaches, terms of business and assignment contracts. Instead we can provide a more integrated and streamlined approach, as follows:

  • Help you design the scope of the coaching program, and in particular integrate coaching with other initiatives such as a 360 feedback process, a succession planning system etc.
  • Support the need for internal approval from the leadership team for the coaching initiative, with high impact presentation templates, business impact analysis etc.
  • Provide project management support, including the cost and time planning
  • Share best practice communications, enabling the initial approach to either groups or individual executives to be made in the most effective way
  • Manage the coach selection process
    • The coaching selection meetings will be coordinated via a Client Director from CCP, who can liaise with internal contacts, if necessary
    • All coachees will be provided with useful guidelines on selecting a coach The CCP contract will be detailed under a single assignment contract, and with a summary coaching log and invoice showing the status of all the assignments underway and the fees incurred
  • Advice on the evaluation and measurement process for reviewing the effectiveness of the coaching. A format for project review and status reports can be developed for key stakeholders, while preserving the confidentiality of the coaching conversations and the integrity of the coaching relationship.


CCP’s 8-Step Coaching Process for Executive & Individual Coaching


Corporate Coaching Partners are accredited to administer a variety of psychometric assessment tools.
Our Key Tools for Developing Self, Team & Organisational Awareness are:

Our Tools