CCP - meeting of the Executives

How we can help you

We can help you build organisational capability through:

The Situation

  • The executive is required to lead the organization through great change
  • The adoption of a new business strategy, or the appointment of a new CEO
  •  The onset of a major change process, M&A or restructuring exercise

The Role of the Coach

  • The coach acts as a “sounding board”, helping the leader to anticipate, understand and respond to major changes that affect the business
  • The focus is on helping the leader think through and take action on real business issues, as well as on the development of their own leadership skills or competencies
  • To complement other professional service support, such as strategy and process consulting, by enabling the leader to interpret, digest and integrate a number of initiatives, and move towards action
  • Encourage and support the leader to think – providing the time and space for personal reflection

Business Benefits

  • Greater capacity for new ideas and fresh thinking
  • Improved decision-making and execution
  • Leaders feeling more in control over events

What to Expect

  • 12 hours of face-to-face meetings, over a period of 6-12 months
  • Ongoing phone and email support
  • Written coaching exercises and reading relating to defining stakeholder needs, organizational networks, change scenarios, execution strategy, etc.

Getting Started

  • Strategic business coaching will normally be sponsored at the Board level, or via the corporate headquarters of an international company

Key Measures

  • Largely subjective perception of the leader based on the quality of the overall relationship with the coach

The Definition

  • To enable the leader to achieve success, however the individual defines this, by developing a realistic understanding of where they are and by creating momentum towards where they would like to be

The Situation

  • The leader needs to deliver significantly greater business results
  • The leader needs to enhance aspects of their leadership style or capability
  • The leader needs to close the gaps identified through a feedback process (such as 360 assessment, performance review, assessment center results and other employee research)
  • The executive is newly promoted to the leadership role
  • The leader is confronting issues of work/life balance, or is reflecting on their underlying values and motivation

Business Benefits

  • More effective, motivated and personally satisfied leaders focusing on results.
  • More chance of success and focus for newly promoted leaders
  • Investment in people is protected by supporting and ensuring the leader’s success

What to Expect

  • 3-5 hours of face-to-face meetings over an initial period of 3 -6 months
  • Frequent telephone and email contact
  • Scoping and goal definition with the key sponsor
  • Use of a Coaching work book and a program of reading
  • Possible use of a verbal 360, psychometrics or other forms of research

Getting Started

  • The need for executive coaching may be highlighted via the performance management system, a 360 report, succession planning activity or the appointment/promotion of a new leader
  • The line manager, or coaching sponsor, needs to ensure the full commitment of the executive to the coaching process
  • This is usually done by stressing the positive development aspects of coaching, and highlighting the investment that is being made in the individual and their success
  • The executive, or coachee, needs to be provided with a choice or appropriately experienced coaches – An area in which CCP has unrivalled capabilities
  • After an informal meeting with their preferred choice, the coaching can begin
  • CCP can provide communications support during this process, by providing for example, guidelines to coachees on how to select a coach


  • Measurable changes to leadership effectiveness and/or observable differences in behaviour

Based on our direct involvement of introducing coaching into more than twenty companies, we have developed a set of tailored coaching services to meet a variety of needs